Бизнес идеи на выпуске востребованных газет | |
Очень часто издание газеты спустя некоторое время после первого выпуска оборачивается для ее владельца разорением или банкротством. В основном это связано с тем, что газета не была ориентирована на определенную категорию потребителей, а ее владелец не имел четкого представления, как правильно развивать газету и извлекать из нее доход. Следующая бизнес идея подскажет Вам наиболее востребованные темы и советы по правильной организации газетного бизнеса.Существуют три тематики газетного дела, которые принесут Вам гарантированный успех при правильном подходе, даже при наличии конкурента на этом рынке. Людей на протяжении многих десятилетий интересуют три темы, можно сказать три важных составляющих нашей с Вами жизни. Это недвижимость, работа и автомобили. Жилье самый острый и животрепещущий вопрос: люди уезжают, приезжают, при этом продают или покупают квартиры. Многие хотят просто снять жилье помесячно, посуточно или же сдать его в поднаем. Вот готовая бизнес идея по выпуску газеты, ориентированной на рынок недвижимости. При условии, если на газетном рынке не представлены издания подобной тематики. Но даже если они и есть, проанализируйте рынок, учтите ошибки конкурентов и возможно и Вам удастся занять свою нишу. Текучесть кадров на рынке труда позволяет реализовать бизнес идею по выпуску специальной газеты. Вот типичные названия «Работа», «Биржа труда», «Из рук – в руки» и т.д. В городах с численностью 100-200 тыс. человек иногда существуют две-три подобные газеты, но в некоторых городах всего выходит всего одна газета подобной тематики, или вообще ни одной. Вот Вам незанятая ниша газетного бизнеса! Если у человека уже решен квартирный вопрос, есть работа, каков его следующий шаг? Естественно, покупка автомобиля. Людей, у которых уже есть авто, возможно, заинтересует продажа автомобиля с последующей покупкой новой машины. Поэтому еще один вариант развития бизнес идеи газетного дела – создание газеты, ориентированной на автомобильный рынок. Самое главное - газета должна принимать только бесплатные объявления в одинаковом формате. Основная прибыль должна идти за счет продажи газеты. Таким образом, Вашу газету будут покупать только целевые потребители, которых интересуют объявления в Вашей газете. Организация бизнеса идеи:Каким образом начать газетный бизнес? Самый важный момент – составление грамотного детального бизнес плана. Таким образом, Вы сможете реально оценить перспективы развития газеты, расходы на ее содержание и возможный уровень доходов. Чтобы составить грамотный бизнес проект, продумайте следующие свои действия.
Бизнес идеи газетного дела довольно экономичны с точки зрения развития бизнеса на начальном этапе. Лучше, конечно, работать с напарником, но можно и одному. Офис Вам может заменить собственная квартира, где вы и будете принимать объявления по телефону. В том случае, если вас нет на месте, факс может это сделать за Вас, при необходимости Вы всегда можете перезвонить и уточнить детали объявления, предложения и т.д. можете оставить за себя. Еще одна проблема – это верстка газеты. Поверьте, это не так сложно как кажется. Научиться верстать газету, имея навыки работы на компьютере, можно за пару недель. Для этого можно воспользоваться самоучителями по программам Adobe Pagemaker или Adobe InDesign. Здесь Вам не требуется особо изощренный дизайн, главное максимально просто и удобно преподнести нужную информацию для читателей. Здесь были изложены основные нюансы развития газеты бесплатных объявлений. Итак, четко следуйте своему бизнес плану, и Вам будет сопутствовать удача в реализации бизнес идеи газетного бизнеса! |
Business ideas in producing popular newspapers
Very often, a newspaper shortly after the first issue turns on the owner ruin or bankruptcy. This is mainly due to the fact that the newspaper was not focused on a specific category of consumers, and the owner did not have a clear idea how to develop a newspaper and benefit from income. Next business idea will tell you the most popular topics and tips on proper organization newspaper business.
There are three themes of the newspaper business, which will give you a guaranteed success with the right approach, even if the competitor in this market. People for many decades interested in three topics, we can say three important components of our life. This housing, jobs and cars.
Housing the most acute and burning question: people go, come, with buy or sell an apartment. Many just want to rent a house by the month, day, or deliver it to the sublease. Here's a business idea ready to produce newspapers, focused on the real estate market. Provided that the newspaper market are not publications of similar subjects. But even if they are, analyze the market, consider competitors' mistakes and maybe you will be able to find its niche.
Staff turnover in the labor market allows for a business idea for the special issue of the newspaper. Are typical of the name "Work", "Job Market", "Hand - in the hands," etc. In cities with a population of 100-200 thousand people sometimes there are two or three similar newspapers, but in some cities just out of a newspaper of similar subjects, or none at all. Here's unoccupied niche newspaper business!
If a person is already solved the housing problem, have a job, what is the next step? Naturally, buying a car. People who already have a car, may be interested selling a car, followed by the purchase of a new car. Therefore, another variant of the business idea of the newspaper business - the creation of the newspaper focused on the automotive market.
Most importantly - the newspaper should only accept free ads in the same format. Basic earnings must go through the sale of newspapers. Thus, your newspaper will buy only target customers who are interested in your ad in the newspaper.
Organization of business ideas:
How to start a newspaper business? The most important thing - making literacy a detailed business plan. In this way, you can really appreciate the perspective of the newspaper, the cost of its content and the level of income. To make educated business project, consider the following the actions.
Decide on the theme of the paper.
Choose a theme of the three above. Come up with a catchy name to remember the newspaper.
Think about the size of the newspaper and the number of bands.
You can start to advise, to publish a newspaper in black and white, A3, 4 strips (1 sheet A2). Over time, after extracting sufficient profit you can increase the number of lanes, depending on the volume of ads and interesting materials.
Indicate the frequency of the newspaper
To get started, simply enough for one issue of the newspaper once a week. Subsequently, if the newspaper is well bought up, and turnover will, you can publish a newspaper, 2 times a week.
Determine the number of customers for your new newspaper.
For these data, use statistical data. For example, the labor exchange can check the number of unemployed people standing on the account. To supplement these data can ring up large enterprises, the human resources director and find the approximate numbers.
If it comes to the real estate market, you can see the approximate outflow of citizens over the past six months, ring up real estate, etc. In any case you will get a ballpark figure. Thus, you can get as close to the right number of circulation newspaper.
Collaborate with distributors of newspapers.
Need somewhere to sell the newspaper. This is usually done specialized firm with network of kiosks, stalls. Newspapers are sold at post offices, and there is a category of private distributors. Usually you come to them with newspapers to be handed part of the circulation at the agreed price (say 10 rubles), distributors set their price (usually 100% wrap - total newspaper is sold for 20 rubles). After the end of the month come and take the proceeds from the sold newspapers. Unsold copies of the newspaper take away the invoice.
Therefore first, before the release of the first phase of numbers, be sure to negotiate with distributors of newspapers (network stalls, chutes, post office), the maximum number of newspapers they can take to sell.
Based on the above points, to determine the circulation of the newspaper.
In the printers have a point, the greater circulation you order, the lower the price for a 1-well paper. But do not try to buy in large numbers, and for the first time, try to order copies, not to throw out the extra paper then, consequently, the money in the garbage.
Calculate the monthly cost of producing newspapers
Denoting the circulation of the newspaper and find out the cost per unit, decide how much it will cost you the edition of the newspaper. Keep in mind that the money you will need for the first few runs
Set the value of the newspaper
Think of how much the average person is able to pay for the information that allows it to buy a property, a car or find a job? As practice shows, interested people are willing to pay for quality informative newspaper. So do not underestimate the cost, but do not be greedy. Please note that the sale of the newspaper is to provide you profit.
Consider how you produce a set of ads in your newspaper.
There is universal means - is advertising and receiving ads on the phone. Enough, only somewhere hint that you're set free ads to you immediately entered a flurry of calls. You can give advertisement in another newspaper. Very helpful posting ads on bus stops, billboards of the new paper and receiving ads in it. Those who want to find work have nothing to lose if they give advertisement in a newspaper, and only will find job opportunities.
Collaborate with relevant agencies.
Another lucrative option set of ads in your newspaper - co-operation with interested companies. For example, with regard to the labor market. In addition to information from the exchange of labor, employment centers, employment agencies, the heads of departments concerned personnel themselves can provide you with information about available jobs at the plant. Phoned the company, negotiate with the personnel department to every week they sent to you by fax, e-mail an updated list of vacancies.
When it comes to real estate newspaper, called around real estate, they are happy to provide you our database of apartments sold or bought.
More in the newspaper
You can dilute the ads in the newspaper interesting material on the subject. For example, those who are looking for work, it was useful to know how to write a resume, conduct yourself in an interview, etc. When it comes to buying and selling cars, the readers would be interested in materials on the correct selection of vehicles, documents and preparing it for sale, etc. These materials will give extra information content and stoke buying interest.
Use subscription
Try to develop a network subscription through post offices. In this case you have any subscribers. Subscribers can again be businesses, organizations, employment agencies, recruitment agencies and real estate companies, etc.
Business idea of the newspaper business is quite economical in terms of business start-ups. Better, of course, to work with a partner, but it is possible one. Office you can substitute their own apartment, where you will accept ads over the phone. In the event that you do not have in place a fax can do it for you, if necessary, you can always call back and clarify details and contact information, suggestions, etc. can keep for themselves.
Another problem - it's make-up newspaper. Believe me, it's not as difficult as it seems. Learn how to make up a newspaper, with computer skills, you can for a couple of weeks. You can use a self-learning program Adobe Pagemaker or Adobe InDesign. Here you do not need very sophisticated design, the main thing is easy-to present the information to the reader.
It outlined the basic nuances of free newspaper ads. So, clearly follow your business plan, and you will have good luck in the implementation of business ideas newspaper business!